#MobileSpread - Rise of Mobile Gaming

Thirty seven percent (37%) of mobile app users choose to play game if they have half an hour of free time. Ever since we were kids some of us got out first phones which can only be use to send message, call and play simple games such as snake. Snake uses a simple pixel in terms of display, then mobile gaming evolved into touchscreen such as ‘Angry Birds’, ‘Where’s My Water?’. Games with 3D game play took over before we reach the year where Virtual Reality can be implemented in mobile gaming. Almost everyone carries a phone to and from home, there are times where we have to wait for the train, bus to arrive or waiting for half an hour before our flights take off. The waiting time could last for a mere five minutes to half an hour. Yes, we could message one another but they are not always available so we turn to mobile gaming. Combining phone and games is more preferable since we can also read messages from other people while in game, ...