#MysteriousSpread - Vanquish - Shooting at Mach Speed

Vanquish is a third person shooter developed by Platinum Games, published by Sega and was released in October 2010 on the Xbox 360 and Playstaion 3. In Vanquish you play as Sam Gideon a DARPA Researcher who is tasked with helping a military unit lead by Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Burns as well as test out the new Augmented Reaction Suit (ARS) along side the the Battlefield logic Adaptable Electronic Weapon System (BLADE) along side this mission, DARPA has given you the classified mission of finding the scientist Dr. Francois Candide who was kidnapped by the Russians.

The mission is to take back a microwave satellite that was taken over by the Order of the Russian Star  (ORS) a military section of the Russian Federation that instigated a coup d'etat and is now in charge of Russia. The reason for this mission is the ORS had orbital microwave striked San Francisco killing everyone in the city. Afterwards Victor Zaitsev issued a warning to the US to surrender to the ORS or the next strike would be aimed at New York.

What makes Vanquish different from the common shooter is the ARS. The ARS gives Sam superhuman abilities  that completely changes you play shooting games. The ARS gives the player the ability to move short distances quickly through the uses of the booster on the suit. These boosters guys players a mobility advantage and gives focus on the games aim of a fast paced shooter. Learning to use the mobility that these booster gives you is important to proceeding through the game, by learning how to get closer to enemies through a quick boost or boosting away when you're under heavy fire. In a pinch when under heavy fire the ARS activates AR mode, in this mode time slows down through your enhanced perception in this mode. AR mode allows you to perform super human feats like shooting down 10 enemies rapidly or even shooting a grenade in mid-air while you are floating in mid-air. You can also activate AR mode manually for skillful plays like boosting out of cover slowing down time shooting down a few enemies as you slide past before taking cover. These super human powers are balanced by the need for the suit to recharge after extended use of the suits abilities as the more you use the suits abilities the hotter it gets, eventually the suit gets so hot that it over heats and the suits abilities are sealed until it cools down where thankfully is only a few seconds to maintain the fast pace of the game.

The BLADE system adds a certain RPG element to the game by allowing your weapons to be upgradable. This is accomplished by finding various upgrade modules found lying around the map or by beating various mini boss like enemies or by finding the same weapon lying around while the current weapon you have is at full ammo. The BLADE system can hold up to three weapons with two different grenades(Frag and EMP), in all their are 11 weapons to discover. These weapons range from
common weapons like an assault rift or machine gun to more unique weapons like Laser cannons or plasma disc launchers, in addition each weapon gives the suit a unique melee weapon that will kill most common enemies in a single hit or heavy damage bosses, however doing so causes the suit to overheat leaving you vulnerable to counter attacks from the boss or enemies that are swarming you.

The game keeps itself fresh by having a wide array of environments to travel through. The different terrain constantly changes the way you play keeping each encounter with enemies a new and different experience from the last. This however cannot be said about the enemies and bosses in this game. The enemies for the most part of the game are the same enemies that you would have fought early in the game and their is only a few new enemies that appear in the game , but most of the time they only appear once or twice before being never seen again. The bosses are similar in this regard many of the bosses in this game are reused with a few ones being unique sprinkled around.

Vanquish in my opinion is an excellent game even with its few cons the pros of this game outweigh them. Vanquish is one of Platinum's better games not the best but one of the better ones of late, it embodies the style of Platinum is about a fast paced game that is of a high quality.


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